Day 23 in the Year 2021

Good morning! It is morning somewhere, right?
What if…

That expression came to me this morning as I sat in silence drinking my coffee. I have a photo hanging on my office wall that tells me:

MIND GAME: Success is a matter of five and one-half inches
The space between your ears. Or as I prefer: One’s Vantage Point. Both a philosophy and a movie by the same title starring Dennis Quaid, Forest Whitaker, and Sigourney Weaver.

So, what have you accomplished in the first 22 days of the New Year?

You have not because you ask not.

Questions? Call or Text me (USA Only):

Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey
(330) 992.4754

P.S. Want to talk about Doubling Sales in the next 90 days? You must qualify. Schedule an appointment via the link and let’s talk.

P.P.S. Tune in tomorrow: What comes to mind when I say Twenty-Four?
BONUS: Today’s #LiveSKICAST:


Now read this

Farmer Brown

DAY: 159 What is the startup life like in a grand adventure purposely launched into the face of COVID-19? [aka VoiceFirst Careers] “It’s a good life if you don’t weaken.” —Homer S. Brown I am reminded of the wise words of a mentor from a... Continue →