18MAR2021 Video Episode for Double Sales Club

Tenet One:
Get the facts before committing

“Among other notable achievements, Dr. Eli Goldratt deserves credit for bringing scientific methods to business problems—especially for extolling the Socratic Method to MBAs!”Purple Curve Effect (pg 7)

Today’s VoiceFirst Careers Podcast:

Show Notes:

UTAH PHP MeetUP Thursday 3/18 at 9pm EDT: https://bit.ly/3vLPdxJ

Pitch Practice Series Friday 3/19 at 2pm EDT: https://bit.ly/3cJCPoX

Questions? Reach out!


Now read this

jobless? start here

[or as soon as the shock clears!] Here is the advice I didn’t get the day my job was lost back in the day. If like me, you got caught with your income at risk, perhaps today it was being blind sided by that virus “thing” then, be of good... Continue →