devtools (part 1)

[Image 01: Results from my Samsung Chrome 3 Chromebook]

Long story [aren’t they all?] short: one of the newest devtools in my toolbox:

Speedometer 2.0 measures the responsiveness of the Chromium web browser by running a web application – a to-do list – and measuring how many times the application can be completed each minute. Here, performance hinges not only on CPU performance but on memory speed and capacity…”

*P.S. This is part of my research for an upcoming Linux MeetUp as part of the Canton Tech Slack scene — ask me for an invite.

Working Title:
Cray Power Workstation aka Raspberry Pi 4 & Fedora SilverBlue


Now read this

Purple Curve Effect

SKI’s Throughput on Command Copyright 2004 Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey Foreword Jeff ‘Ski’ Kinsey has written this book at an auspicious time. It’s been a quarter of a century since Eli Goldratt conceived the manufacturing production principles... Continue →