Journey To $100 Million
The Podcast
It pays to have smart friends…
Long story short, four of us #VoiceFirst guys lock ourselves in a room and four hours later, out pops SurveyLine (think SurveyMonkey for Voice). [A very short version to be sure!]
At the Alexa Conference in Chattanooga, TN this past January one of the attendees gets excited about the possibilities and creates a cool survey. Erik J. Olson of Array Digital. We become friends and the rest is history.
Allow me to introduce you [and to his co-founder Kevin Daisey].
This morning’s feature on AudioBLASTER: Journey to $100 Million
A Podcast & Alexa Flash Briefing.
Want your own TXT MSG Platform?
P.S. Prefer to talk first? Dial #250 and say, “Contact Ski Man!”
P.P.S. Or say, “Alexa, launch Voice Business Card” then at the prompt say, “Audio Blaster!”