Journey To $100 Million  

The Podcast

It pays to have smart friends…

Long story short, four of us #VoiceFirst guys lock ourselves in a room and four hours later, out pops SurveyLine (think SurveyMonkey for Voice). [A very short version to be sure!]

At the Alexa Conference in Chattanooga, TN this past January one of the attendees gets excited about the possibilities and creates a cool survey. Erik J. Olson of Array Digital. We become friends and the rest is history.

Allow me to introduce you [and to his co-founder Kevin Daisey].

As found on these platforms:

This morning’s feature on AudioBLASTER: Journey to $100 Million
A Podcast & Alexa Flash Briefing.

Want your own TXT MSG Platform?

P.S. Prefer to talk first? Dial #250 and say, “Contact Ski Man!”
P.P.S. Or say, “Alexa, launch Voice Business Card” then at the prompt say, “Audio Blaster!”


Now read this


That is one amazing machine… but it is actually my second XR4Ti. My first was Black with an automatic. It was a 1985 model year. This 1987 was a 5-speed. Formula One Champion Sir John Young ‘Jackie’ Stewart (nicknamed “The Flying Scot”)... Continue →