Tanya Ross-Lane

Iron Sharpens Iron — King Solomon

When Tanya and I meet, which we do on a regular basis, we are a force of nature. After ten years, we have yet to scratch the surface of what is possible in the world of business and finance. I am convinced that nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible for us.

Coming any day now, a new SmartMoney series from Tanya
—Everyone should be growing their own SmartMoney Tree!

Some kind words for an amazing friend and daily inspiration

The North Star and Tanya: Steady as the day is long. And then some! We met in 2010 and become the best of friends and colleagues on a bunch of adventures. Her ‘headline’ on LinkedIn is spot on, “Humble * Motivated * Industrious * Go-Giver.” In fact, within weeks of meeting her, I asked to speak at the launch of my startup business accelerator. She is my personal Pindar and when we meet as we do almost every week, it truly is as King Solomon suggested, ‘Iron sharpens iron.’ I cannot imagine any task for which I would not ask Tanya to join me on the adventure. And we have done that with each other since we met. Need results? Reach out to Tanya. Sooner than later. It will save you all kinds of wasted time and energy.

The SmartMoney is always on Tanya Ross-Lane.

Thanks to Tanya my family is on sound financial footing should the Good Lord call me home. Peace of mind is a big deal. See Maslow.{grin}

P.S. Tanya was after me for months to read the book, The Go-Giver and next to the Bible—it probably is the single largest influence on my vantage point today. Especially in these times we find ourselves. Check it out.

P.P.S. May I also mention that she is also a Jonah in Goldratt’s TOC?


Now read this

Don’t Do It

Welcome to Episode 21T on Bad Multitasking For Job Seekers Do you ever just want to scream, especially when reading the Help Wanted adverts? Me too, and I am not even looking for work! The worst for me is the call for “Great Multitaskers... Continue →