tech stuff (aka noGRID4us)

Tune In Each Day…

The Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey will begin sharing his insights and cool tools and toys for the virtual business man, woman, and child along with reviews and “where to buy” links and such. Via text, audio, video, and even SMS.

Plus, guests will appear to share of their take-aways and best of breeds.

P.S. What if, just maybe, some of the items covered could help you live more “off the grid” than on it? Would that be such a bad thing?

P.P.S. The Ski Man is an affiliate marketer and as such may profit from some or all the recommendations made from this site. However, he never recommends anything he doesn’t own or have on a “wish list” awaiting the necessary funding to acquire.

tech stuff insights by…

Questions? Repeat after me: “Alexa, launch Contact Ski Man!”


Now read this

Brian Roemmele

Larger Than Life — Bearing Gifts Some of the post 2020 Pandemic businesses and processes that will not return to pre pandemic norms:-Health clubs-Nail and hair salons-Massage and body work-University lectures-Dance clubs-Public... Continue →