005 Twenty Twenty-One

Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey, en•tre•pre•neur

The 90 Days to Wholeness Series… featuring the insights of the Ski Man! And his journey to make good on a book that drives his efforts YEARS after first reading it. More on that later.

Show Notes:

  1. Link to Sheryl Crow’s Steve McQueen
  2. Today’s VoiceFirst Careers Podcast Episode 005
  3. Introduction to my Wholeness Series via Day 001. By the way, you can start anytime you are ready. Did I mention it is FREE?

Dream Big Dreams!

P.S. Want to be held accountable each day? Yes!

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Coursework: Double Sales

Are you a Constraints Management [aka TOC] Jonah? Perhaps you have studied everything that Dr. Eli Goldratt and H. William “Bill” Dettmer ever wrote? You qualify! By the way, if you are a self-taught Jonah and would like to complete your... Continue →