Let’s Do Lunch

“SKI, is that safe?”

Sure. The way I do it. Yes, it is in-person, but with a twist for safety.

Today’s message: Three Questions & One Statement…

You have not because you ask not.

Questions? Call or Text me (USA Only):

Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey
(330) 992.4754

P.S. Want to talk about Doubling Sales in the next 90 days? You must qualify. Schedule an appointment via the link and let’s talk.

P.P.S. Tune in tomorrow: What comes to mind when I say Twenty-Eight?

BONUS: A recent #LiveSKICAST:


Now read this

Brian Roemmele

Larger Than Life — Bearing Gifts Some of the post 2020 Pandemic businesses and processes that will not return to pre pandemic norms:-Health clubs-Nail and hair salons-Massage and body work-University lectures-Dance clubs-Public... Continue →