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Show Notes:
Billy Dees Podcast on Spreaker
Sandy Munro & Elon Musk on YouTube

To your Alexa device or app on your smartphone please repeat after me:

Alexa, launch Virtuality Suite
At the prompt say,
Day 34

How cool is that?!
Good morning! It is another GREAT day in NEOhio… plus, as Les Brown says, “Any day you wake up without a white chalk outline around your body is a great day!”

But seriously, may I ask a question? A really tough question?

Do you know how to double your sales in the next 90 days?

Not to worry. I do.

I have done for me. I have done it for clients. I am willing to help you do it.

  1. You must be a privately held business in one of the Contiguous United States of America
  2. You cannot be in the food or beverage industries (Call Gordon Ramsay!)
  3. You MUST be willing to take direction and ACT on the insights you will gain

In other words, if you are not the decision-maker, this won’t work.

If you have “wasn’t invented here, so it won’t work” syndrome, it WON’T work.

If you think you are and must be the smartest person in the room, this won’t work.

Still interested? Great. Call or Text me. Now!
Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey, Entrepreneur


Now read this

Bottleneck Rules

Which is it? In America, home of apple pie and the automobile, my colleague Clarke Ching’s book has 41 reviews for an average 4.4 rating but only 20 reviews in the UK. Is it the lack of automobiles or people that account for the... Continue →