Everything DiSC

DiSC® Profiles as a Service

“Everything DiSC is a personal development learning experience that measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC Application Suite. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization.”

The Everything DiSC® is 15 Credits via Wiley at $4.80/credit plus I charge $27.00 as a one-time fee in order to share methods on how to leverage your newfound insights to build not just a network, but a MasterMind brain trust that would make Napoleon Hill proud. $99.00USD [requires PayPal]1

Prices subject to change without notice. Purchase now and lock in the price!

Did you know that we can run a “comparison chart” of DiSC Profiles for you and your team members that have also taken the profile in order to determine how best to leverage the strengths of each member as well as to minimize any weaknesses that may be present? There are discounts for teams of four or more that want to turbocharge performance by getting the “right” people on the bus. Just ask.

Call or Text DISC to 614.412.2001
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Say, “Alexa, launch Contact Ski Man!”
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Dial #250 and say, “Contact SKI Man!”

P.S. Need a Keynote Speaker?
P.P.S. Or, need a guest for your Podcast or Alexa Flash Briefing?
Ask the SKI Man!

My Bio: At 17 I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Why? Short answer, I wanted to be my own boss. {grin} The long version brings us to this moment, today. Early in my career after the Corps my dad, Sonny ‘The Big Cat’ Kinsey, asked me a profound question. The good news is that I was ready for it: “As a natural-born educator, knowing there is no real money in education, what are you going to do?” I immediately answered: Consulting. Did you know I taught Computer Science for ten years, including almost two years for Kent State University at the Tuscarawas campus? My resume.

[1] If you already have an “Everything DiSC Profile” we should be able to do a comparison. Your fee would only be $27.00USD. Reach out to begin.
[DiSC®] John Wiley & Sons, Inc or its associated companies, are the authorized users or owners of DiSC and Everything DiSC and associated trademarks.

#discProfiles #masterMind #thinkTank


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