Mark Victor Hansen

This will CHANGE your Life — If you let it!

My hat is off to Dr. Tracey Jones for cornering Mark Victor Hansen for over an hour. This is Mark at his best. Tracey delivers the goods in this episode. Her dad and one of my heroes, Charlie ‘Tremendous’ Jones would be so proud. Note, there was an electrical storm for a few minutes near the start of the video, but it doesn’t last long and the audio is fine.

I noted 13 life-changing constructs Mark shares in this podcast. I hope to expand on them in the days ahead. Stay tuned… in fact, here is the first:
3:49 mins:
As a leader you have to be:
Transformational and

P.S. When I first bought the book, One Minute Millionaire, I used it to make $8K in about 90days with a partner. My cut was a very nice $4000 for about four hours of work. It is my goal to get so good at it, “inside the system” as Mark says, to duplicate his feat of generating $1MM in just 60 seconds.

Gotta Have a Dream!
#OneMinuteMillionaire #MarkVictorHansen #DrTraceyJones


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