Patrick Bet-David  

One of the Good Guys worth following

From time to time you run across folks that I call “larger than life” and making a difference. Patrick is one of those guys. Give a listen and if you like what you hear, give a follow on LinkedIn [or where ever]. Tell'em SKI sent you.

found today: 032 of Year 2021:

Stay tuned for more great insights from Patrick

Need help fixing Cashflow in your business? Let’s talk.
P.S. In the days ahead watch for the rebirth of GoLIVE magazine


Now read this

The Power of Three

We all have to start somewhere, right? Let’s start with our superpower. Yours. Mine. The next guy. By the way (btw), “guy” is generic and has no concept of gender associated with it. At least not in my world. My superpower? The ability... Continue →