WTN Promo 003
Save The Date: Friday, February 28th
Seating is LIMITED: Register NOW!
Long story, the short version: I joined my first Chamber of Commerce [of many] somewhere around 1981 or 1982. I went to my first Chamber event and met one person I didn’t know. Why? I sat in my seat and waited on the world of new connections to come to me. #ouch
I have learned to never be that stupid again.
Fast forward, it is today: At our first NEOhio Givers Think Tank The 4th Friday Friday Series in Canton, Ohio last month, I learned yet one more tool that I have never seen before. It will double my ability to connect to the right people. Yes, after thirty plus years, I am still learning to do better than the month before.
P.S. Did I mention seating is limited. Only 30 seats. Total. Period.
P.P.S. Just $10 and that includes your lunch.
P.P.P.S. In and out in just one hour. Honest.
Questions? Call me: Dial #250 and say, “Contact Ski Man!”