WTN Promo 003

Save The Date: Friday, February 28th

Seating is LIMITED: Register NOW!

Long story, the short version: I joined my first Chamber of Commerce [of many] somewhere around 1981 or 1982. I went to my first Chamber event and met one person I didn’t know. Why? I sat in my seat and waited on the world of new connections to come to me. #ouch

I have learned to never be that stupid again.

Fast forward, it is today: At our first NEOhio Givers Think Tank The 4th Friday Friday Series in Canton, Ohio last month, I learned yet one more tool that I have never seen before. It will double my ability to connect to the right people. Yes, after thirty plus years, I am still learning to do better than the month before.

Join us.

P.S. Did I mention seating is limited. Only 30 seats. Total. Period.
P.P.S. Just $10 and that includes your lunch.
P.P.P.S. In and out in just one hour. Honest.

Questions? Call me: Dial #250 and say, “Contact Ski Man!”

Now read this

jobless? start here

[or as soon as the shock clears!] Here is the advice I didn’t get the day my job was lost back in the day. If like me, you got caught with your income at risk, perhaps today it was being blind sided by that virus “thing” then, be of good... Continue →