Y Combinator

A Decade of Learnings from Y Combinator

“Michael Seibel is CEO and a partner at Y Combinator and co-founder of two startups – Justin.tv and Socialcam. He has been a partner at Y Combinator since 2013, advised hundreds of startups, and has been active in promoting diversity efforts among startup founders. Hear his take on the future of work with a decade in learnings from YCombinator.”

Over the years, including my time as Entrepreneur in Residence at Main St. Startups, I used a lot of materials from YC like the Safe documents.

P.S. You have heard both #GaryVee and myself shout the praises of SocialCam. Others will know of Justin.TV and a few will know Michael for his work at YC. It is called Leadership. Plus, a shoutout to Jason Lemkin for making this video available. Check out SaaStr2020!

#mustCvideo #SaaStr #yCombinator


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workforce procurement

One of the Adventures of the Ski Man 2009, the R1 Job Board and Search Aggregator, example Use Case: From WHHI-TV, Hilton Head Island, SC: Note: The domain name and phone number are no longer valid Fast Forward to 2020 I am excited to... Continue →