jeff 'ski' kinsey

Helping Businesses Grow and Scale | Entrepreneur | DC FastCharge™ for EVs | Publisher | Author | Keynote Speaker | USMC Veteran

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006 twenty 21

The Domino Effect

Spoiler Alert: If you didn’t start at Day 001, it is recommended: [click here]

Today’s Podcast


The Semi LiveCAST for Day 006


READING Assignment: Voice First Sucks by Ahmed Bouzid
[Note, you DO NOT have to signup to Medium to read its articles]

Dream Big Dreams!

P.S. Want to be held accountable each day? Yes!

Advertising Sponsorships Available. Dial 250 and say, Double Sales!

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005 Twenty Twenty-One

Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey, en•tre•pre•neur

The 90 Days to Wholeness Series… featuring the insights of the Ski Man! And his journey to make good on a book that drives his efforts YEARS after first reading it. More on that later.

Show Notes:

  1. Link to Sheryl Crow’s Steve McQueen
  2. Today’s VoiceFirst Careers Podcast Episode 005
  3. Introduction to my Wholeness Series via Day 001. By the way, you can start anytime you are ready. Did I mention it is FREE?

Dream Big Dreams!

P.S. Want to be held accountable each day? Yes!

Advertising Sponsorships Available. Dial 250 and say, Double Sales!

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Mentoring DEAL for Dec 31st

‘til midnight tonight! just $220.21USD

30 Days of sessions with SKI via Phone/Slack/SMS
Two Requirements: Must be living and working in the USA.

Jeff 'SKI’ Kinsey, Entrepreneur

Dial 250 and say, Double Sales!

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Voice Platform as a Service

Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey, Entrepreneur

Dial 250 and say, Contact Ski Man!

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Merry Christmas 2020

“For unto us a child is born…”

The Prince of Peace

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MO “Travel” App

What if there were an App to promote Motorcycling?

For motorcyclists across the world who struggle to find exciting events or “rides” in their backyard as well as foreign lands (or “local” dealerships for those last minute emergency repairs), our Mobile application is the answer:

Ideas Motors Events (aka the MO App)

Regardless of your brand, model, or riding style! How cool is that?!

In fact, we have developed a platform to put dealerships back at the center of the conversation. Did we miss something? Ask!

FREE to Download on Apple or Google App Stores

FREE to use! (But you will LOVE the affordable Premium Features)

FREE to Share your Events!

Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey
Reseller for Ideas Motors MO App

P.S. Meet our CEO, Ivars Mileika.
Questions? Grab your Mobile Phone…
Dial 250 and at the prompt say, Contact Ski Man!

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Bair’s Powersports

Test Ridin’ at the Open House, Saturday, 24OCT2020



The 2021 Indian Scout Bobber:


Up for a ride? Let’s connect on theMOapp — aka myRidingApp

Thanks Chad for another great adventure.

2wheels motorcycles myRidingApp

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John Myers

Allow me to introduce you to one of the Good Guys: John Myers.

I met John ten (10) years ago today at 7:00pm in the Hudson, Ohio Library. That was on a Monday, 18 OCT 2010. I have four pages of notes on his presentation about Angel Investors. Among his credetials: he was Co-Founder of the Akron Regional CHange Angels (ARCHAngels) Investment Network in NEOhio.

After his presentation I rushed to the lectern to shake his hand and give him my card. Yes, I still used them back in the day. It had my name, phone number, email address and one statement:

John took one look and said, “That is a bold statement.”

We both were right. Even more so today… as Gary Vaynerchuk likes to point out, putting that word on a card or social media profile is not sufficient. But since age 11, I have been in fact making my way and most often paying myself from my thoughts and actions. I have created...

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Turismo Cycles

Dreams Do Come True

The 2006 Turismo Cycles Signature Edition ProStreet in Black…







Told You So

In the Spring of 2004 in my book, Purple Curve Effect — SKI’s Throughput on Command, I shared my vision of creating my own OEM for custom motorcycles. ✅ DONE!

Even got to ride it at Sturgis in August 2005. Did I mention it only took me 90 days from the decision to do it, to completion? Guess I just did.

The secret sauce? A great team of passionate bike builders, sDBR (Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope) from Dr. Eli Goldratt’s TOC, a sprinkle of TPS (Toyota Production System, aka LEAN), and my ability to focus on the “one weakest link” (until it moves, then the NEXT weakest link, then repeat) and execute at warp speed!


Questions? Text TURISMO to 330.992.4754

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Ski’s MFG Bio

It all started in the United States Marine Corps

Or did it? Many of us believe that some people are born with a skill set or Talent that prepares them for some endeavor somewhere down the road of life. For Ski, it surfaced while serving in USMC. He enlisted at age 17, completed high school then spent the next two years in the “Green Machine” as he called the Corps. Shortly before discharge from active duty [they had two-year enlistments back in the 1970s] he was awarded a Letter of Commendation for his efforts in process improvement. It seems even a 200-year organization as successful as The Marine Corps appreciated a process of on-going improvement.

You are a natural educator but there is no money in Education

Those words were spoken to Ski by his dad. He wondered how his son would cope. “Consulting.” Was his response. Then both of them smiled! And so it was that in November 1981 a...

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