jeff 'ski' kinsey

Helping Businesses Grow and Scale | Entrepreneur | DC FastCharge™ for EVs | Publisher | Author | Keynote Speaker | USMC Veteran

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Making Money in VoiceFirst

by Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey

A short history lesson: Back in 2012 [around the 4th of July] I was excited about the Apple iPad and as a former magazine publisher, it seemed like there was a melding of technology… so I applied and was accepted to a 3-day TechStars accelerator known as Patriot Boot Camp for military veterans [and/or their spouses].

Here, my pitch on day three:

I found the talent needed, an investor, and created some amazing content. I made a modest exit two years later.

Fast ward to September 2017 and I jump with both feet into the VoiceFirst space with Amazon’s Alexa. This year, we added Bixby “Capsules” aka Skills to our offerings.

Did you know you can make money as a techie in this space? In fact, one guy actually bought a Tesla with his earnings. How cool is that?!

Need a speaker on “Making Money in VoiceFirst” — call me:

Just dial 250 and say, “Contact Ski Man!”

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WTN Promo 003

Save The Date: Friday, February 28th

Seating is LIMITED: Register NOW!

Long story, the short version: I joined my first Chamber of Commerce [of many] somewhere around 1981 or 1982. I went to my first Chamber event and met one person I didn’t know. Why? I sat in my seat and waited on the world of new connections to come to me. ouch

I have learned to never be that stupid again.

Fast forward, it is today: At our first NEOhio Givers Think Tank The 4th Friday Friday Series in Canton, Ohio last month, I learned yet one more tool that I have never seen before. It will double my ability to connect to the right people. Yes, after thirty plus years, I am still learning to do better than the month before.

Join us.

P.S. Did I mention seating is limited. Only 30 seats. Total. Period.
P.P.S. Just $10 and that includes your lunch.
P.P.P.S. In and out in just one hour. Honest.

Questions? Call

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Help me welcome guest contributor Harry Wood

This is a reprint from August 2009 but just as insightful as the day he first shared. Here, Mr. Wood has offered the definitive “What is Lean” response. It is not what you expect. And… we use the common term “LEAN” here but it really is as much if not more about TPS (Toyota Production System).

What is Lean?

I have been following several discussions lately on various topics concerning Lean. One that I found a little strange asked “Can you apply Lean principles to employees?” I always thought that was the idea. So my question is this; if you had to summarize “Lean” for a group, any group, what would you tell them? Here is how I would answer my own question.

Mutual Respect for Others, Eliminate Waste
Five words, two concepts, one mission, that’s it, there is nothing else. If you have seen at least one presentation on Lean you have likely...

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Everything DiSC

DiSC® Profiles as a Service

“Everything DiSC is a personal development learning experience that measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC Application Suite. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization.”

The Everything DiSC® is 15 Credits via Wiley at $4.80/credit plus I charge $27.00 as a one-time fee in order to share methods on how to leverage your newfound insights to build not just a network, but a MasterMind brain trust that would make Napoleon Hill proud. $99.00USD [requires...

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The Garage at Walsh

A Very Cool Wide Spot in the Road

The Garage at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio

Our Podcast is available also on Spreaker, Alexa, and Bixby:

“Hey Ski, how do you create these amazing podcast episodes?”

I thought you would never ask!

Studio: Kia Soul [aka The Kia Rio Grande!]
Recorder: Samsung S9
Microphone: MAONO AU100 Lavalier Microphone
Sonic Logo: Via

Want some help? Text PODCAST to 614.412.2001

P.S. Here is a link to that Warren Zevon song

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Our 1st Bixby Capsule

Do Not Despise Your Small Beginnings

Audio Dashboards Podcast is LIVE!

Our first Alexa Skill was the Flash Briefing. Today, just moments ago, our first Bixby Capsule came online. How cool is that?!

May we help you get your podcast on Bixby?

Text BIXBYROCKS to 330.275.3959

P.S. Perhaps you need something more serious? Reach out.

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Purple Curve Effect

SKI’s Throughput on Command

©Copyright 2004 Jeff ‘SKI’ Kinsey

Jeff ‘Ski’ Kinsey has written this book at an auspicious time. It’s been a quarter of a century since Eli Goldratt conceived the manufacturing production principles that evolved into the Theory of Constraints. It’s also been 20 years since he began the manuscript for what became one of the best-selling business books of all time—The Goal. So it’s an appropriate time to take stock of the “state of the art” and determine where Ski’s book —written to empower people right where they are at this moment in business— fits into the scheme of things.
—H. William Dettmer

Audio version of Foreword:

Given the state of affairs in March 2020, please accept a FREE copy of my book in the form of a PDF. You can download it by clicking on the box that says, ** FREE NOW ** and enjoy. There are some real nuggets that will make...

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Working The Net Promo

This FRIDAY January 24th at 11:00am

Link to Register (Required; Seating is Limited):

Tell ‘em SKI sent you!

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sDBR episode 03

Ever seen a building without a solid framework?

If you did, it was probably flat on the ground. Lifeless. The same goes for businesses and doubly so for startups.

[may I assume you have read the previous episodes?]

“Success is 94% the result of the system.”
—W. Edwards Deming

The United States Marine Corps
For me, school was not a system. It was a baby sitter with more rules than Carter had pills as the expression goes. Perhaps it was the week’s suspension from high school around Thanksgiving that planted the seed: What was I going to do with my life?

I enlisted at age 17 in January of my senior year on the delayed entry program and headed off to boot camp in July. If you don’t know, I have always been better than average at playing the odds. Although I only signed up for two years [an option right after the Vietnam War], I refused to sign unless they promised me Boot Camp in San...

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FCC Should Act

“The FCC does have specific standards for hoaxes and false information broadcast over the airwaves. Those standards apply to individual stations that the FCC has licensed, but does not apply to a network.”
—IBT Article on Revoking A Broadcasting License?

As the article points out, it would seem we cannot pull the plug on CNN at the network level… at least not at first glance.

However, any individual stations that air CNN broadcasts are subject to the FCC and therefore, responsible for the fake news people can actually access. In fact, people are perhaps even making personal and business decisions based on the false narrative CNN is now known for in the USA marketplace in the Trump era.

So, is CNN really a problem? Survey says Yes!

Additional insight from Project Veritas re: CNN

Follow the Ski Man on Twitter

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