sDBR episode 02
Who Cares? aka The Audience for Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope
[may I assume you have read the previous episodes?]
Whenever I’m trying to help people understand what this word ‘system’ means, I usually start by asking: ‘Are you a part of a family?’ Everybody is a part of a family.
—Peter Senge
Once we understand that we are talking about a ‘system’ and not a computer system, then we may dive into sDBR which is based on systems thinking. Goldratt’s TOC is a higher form of ordered thinking in my experience. Ready?
Who Should Care About sDBR?
By Industry: I have personally applied TOC (Theory of Constraints) in many industries, with the notable exception of food and beverage. Obviously in manufacturing, distribution, wholesale, retail, software development, and medical devices to name a few of my favorites.
By Function: As a generalist, I have served in most common roles or positions...