jeff 'ski' kinsey

Helping Businesses Grow and Scale | Entrepreneur | DC FastCharge™ for EVs | Publisher | Author | Keynote Speaker | USMC Veteran

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sDBR episode 02

Who Cares? aka The Audience for Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope

[may I assume you have read the previous episodes?]

Whenever I’m trying to help people understand what this word ‘system’ means, I usually start by asking: ‘Are you a part of a family?’ Everybody is a part of a family.
—Peter Senge

Once we understand that we are talking about a ‘system’ and not a computer system, then we may dive into sDBR which is based on systems thinking. Goldratt’s TOC is a higher form of ordered thinking in my experience. Ready?

Who Should Care About sDBR?

  • By Industry: I have personally applied TOC (Theory of Constraints) in many industries, with the notable exception of food and beverage. Obviously in manufacturing, distribution, wholesale, retail, software development, and medical devices to name a few of my favorites.

  • By Function: As a generalist, I have served in most common roles or positions...

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Project Voice Help


See you in Chattanooga, TN next week!

Need help at your booth?

Need a roadie to help with your presentation?

Or something else? Lets talk.

Text HELP4PV to 614.412.2001



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sDBR episode 01

From the book, Manufacturing At Warp Speed, Optimizing Supply Chain Financial Performance by Schragenheim and Dettmer:

To Eliyahu M. Goldratt, profound thinker and educator.
It is better to light a candle than to curse the light.

From me for this series on Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope (sDBR):
“Constraints are everywhere in life and business. When you find a better mousetrap, you will do well to share it with others.”

First things first: These two gentlemen know the Theory of Constraints (TOC) inside, out. Better yet, they are both life long learners and finally, both are among the world’s [yes, the World’s] best educators. Ever. Thousands if not tens of thousands [or more!] eager students have sat at the feet figuratively [and many of us literally] of these two icons over the past thirty years.

I consider them both friends and have called on them on several occasions...

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sDBR Episode 0

aka Optimizing Financial Performance

Yes, it started in manufacturing. But it didn’t stay “down on the farm” for very long. The “it” is Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope. [aka sDBR]


Save The Date: 2020 Day Six [01/06/2020]
I will be sharing the Proof Positive Results on Investment in the learning and applying sDBR in your business. Especially startups where cashflow is everything… or should I say where positive cashflow is everything?

Stay tuned. Invite a friend. On LinkedIn.

Yes, this is a series of insights designed for educating those savvy business people on the LI platform that need more Return on their Investment.


P.S. Questions? Reach out: txt SDBR to 614.412.2001

sDBR ROI TheoryOfConstraints JeffSkiKinsey

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2020 Day One

The New Years Resolutions Reimagined…

Beta v0.3 is now LIVE!

Requirements: 1) A mobile phone and; 2) An Amazon Alexa account
[Get Alexa for your Phone or Table for FREE from your App Store]

You can use any one of over 100,000,000 Alexa devices to share your New Years Resolutions, up to three, however, we only communicate via TXT/SMS/MMS messages, hence the need for a mobile phone or other text message platform.

“Alexa, Launch SurveyLine.”
At the ‘survey’ prompt say, “New Year Results.”

That all it takes to get the ball rolling!

What is the secret sauce? Accountability.

Check out this ten minute overview:

Reach out: Text RESULTS to 614.412.2001
Dial 250 and say, “Contact Ski Man”
Say, “Alexa, launch Contact Ski Man.”

A brief word from our Sponsor:

*2020DayOne NewYearsResolutions getRdone

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sDBR Explained

The Bible for sDBR by Eli Schragenheim and H. William Dettmer

And no, this is NOT just for manufacturing. It works almost everywhere.


Who do you know that is always right? No one, of course. However, there are SMEs [subject matter experts] that within a domain or two [usually no more than three] that “just know” a concept inside and out. So it is with Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope aka sDBR. The authors are both colleagues and friends as well as the de facto face of this topic.

Which of course is a significant variation of the traditional approach that was made popular by the late Dr. Eli Goldratt’s book, The Goal — The Process Of On-Going Improvement [POOGI]. POOGI in a sense, to me at least, is a tribute to W. Edwards Demings’ feedback loop. But DBR and The Logical Thinking Process is a whole lot more. Way more.

So, why this book and why now?

Allow me a hint [okay, it was more like...

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Thirty Days (30) Execution Assistance
Normally a $1000 Fee, Special pricing:
December 2019 Deal: $500.00USD!
Includes the Everything DiSC® Profile
Plus, a 100% Moneyback Guarantee
NOTE: There are ONLY two spots left…

“There are times when only a driven, passionate specialist will do!”


Let us talk about your pressing need:
Text 30DAYS to 614.412.2001
Or Dial 250 and Say, “Contact Ski Man!”

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“Hey Ski Man, what are you up to?”
(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too. Shoutout to Derek Sivers for the idea)

What I’m doing now

[updated 10/31/2022 14:41 EDT]
Guess what? I am waiting for the Microprocessor & Robitcs class to begin…

Kent State University Tuscarawas is the place to be in Northeast Ohio. FYI: It has been a few days since I updated this page. My mind is little scattered at the moment, but somehow I lost two [or more] years.

Today’s Audio Podcast:

All About Projects

Link to the LiveCAST:

Tune in tomorrow and see if there is any “new” stuff on my NOW page…
[updated 04/13/2020 22:12 EDT]
Long day… not to worry, I just took a nap. {grin}
Busy day tomorrow.
Work In Progress: The 7min Hire [aka how hiring gets done re: COVID-19]

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First Time Entrepreneur

Mentors. Mentorships. Results.

Rarely do I make apologies… fortunately I am rarely wrong. But I will say I am sorry for taking a very complex and often traumatic experience [that of entrepreneurship] and telling stories about how exciting and rewarding it is for those that are called. Note the key concept here: “Those that are called.”

We all have seen folks that would better be served by staying gamely employed. Or perhaps better yet, buying a proven franchise. There is no shame in building a business around a viable business model as mentored by a franchise. I have taken the road in the past and looking at a couple options going forward.

Mark and I have had that discussion [and lots of others!]. He gets it.


But he is far from being an entrepreneur IMNSHO. Yet I do approve of his casual use of the term “first time entrepreneur” here. However, until he generates “goal units” as...

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Newsjacking Done Right

Not sure what all the fuss is about?

The rest of the story: Peloton Ad

Need help with your sales process? Give me a shout:

Txt NEWSJACKING to 614.412.2001

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